This aircraft was manufactured in Kunovice during a year 1959 as a serial number 171911. It was directly sold into Yugoslavian army.  It’s last  years spent in Aeroclub of Josip Križaj in the Ajdovščina village.

According to it’s log book, despite two visits of Czech Republic  for maintenance purposes, in 1967 and 1983, Aero was flown mainly in Yugoslavia under the sign of YU-BBY for the whole length of it’s duty. It’s almost sure that aircraft was used as courier for Yugoslavian National Army (JNA) till the 1991. After that, aircraft was left in Aeroclub Ajdovščina.

Initial painting was silver color with blue strips. Later on, army gave to the Aero picturesque camouflage of american airplanes from the beginning of First World War. Which is olive green on top, blue on below and white-red horizontal strips on the rudder. All this with red communist stars.
In 90’s the camouflage painting was changed to light grey pixelated spots, which is already possible to see on photographs.

After 1991, aircraft received new civil sign S5-DAJ and advertisement on the fuselage. It didn’t fly to much since. Approximately 15 hours per year. But It seems people in aeroclub loved the machine so much that proper maintenance was routinely done till they completely ran out of spare parts a possibly even nerves with the never ending repairs.
By the beginning of 2006 they offered Aero for sale on the internet.

After our initial survey it was sure that Aero needs general restoration. Anyway reasonable concern existed that carry flight may be successful. Thanks to Mr. Unzeitig, it was and aircraft was took to the Brno, Czech Republic where restored by Mr. Malinsky. In 2007 Aero obtained new registration sign OK-DAJ and is flying happily all over the Europe ever after.


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